Friday 20 September, 6.15pm: Barbican, as part of Urban Wandering season: Screening of Estates and a panel discussion afterwards with Lynsey Hanley et al,
Friday 27 September, 7pm: Portobello Pop-Up cinema under the Westway at Ladbroke Grove, screening of London Babylon followed by conversation with the director, Julien Temple.
Wednesday 2 October, 6.15pm: Barbican, as part of Urban Wandering season, in conversation with “place-hacker” Bradley L Garrett – Shard climber – et al,
Saturday 5 October, 2.30pm: Snape Maltings, Flipside festival, in conversation with Brazilian writer Bernardo Carvalho.
Sunday 6 October, 8.30pm: Cheltenham festival, live performance of Kafka’s short story A Country Doctor accompanied by Peter Wiegold’s klezmer band.
Monday 7 October, 7.30pm: Birmingham festival of literature.
Wednesday 13 October, 6.30pm: Bloomsbury festival, in conversation at Senate House.
North America:
Monday 21 October, 7.30pm-9pm: Texas A&M University. Presented by the Department of Literature and Languages, 203 Hall of Languages, Commerce, Texas 75429, USA.
Tuesday 22 October: Reading and signing, Live Talks, 6204 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90048, USA.
Thursday 24 October, 7pm: Reading and signing, Seattle public library, Microsoft Auditorium, 1000 Fourth Ave, Seattle, WA 98104, USA.
Saturday 26 October, 8pm: Reading and signing, Vancouver international writers’ festival, Canada.
Sunday 27 October: 11am: Writers’ brunch, Vancouver international writers’ festival, Canada.
Monday 28 October: (time tbc): In conversation with Professor Mark Mazower at Columbia University, Heyman Center for the Humanities, New York, NY 10027, USA.
Tuesday 29 October, 7pm: In conversation with Martin Amis, McNally Jackson, 52 Prince Street, New York, NY 10012, USA.
Wednesday 30 October, 7pm: Reading and signing, Harvard Bookstore, 1256 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.